101+ April Fool’s Messages

101+ April Fool’s Messages

101+ April Fool’s Messages

April 16, 2023

April 16, 2023

April 16, 2023

1. I just won the lottery! (April Fools!)

2. Sorry, I can't come to work/school today. I've been selected for a top-secret mission by the government. (April Fools!)

3. Hey, did you know that you have a piece of spinach stuck in your teeth? (April Fools!)

4. You won't believe it, but I'm actually secretly a superhero. (April Fools!)

5. I'm pregnant! (April Fools!)

6. I decided to quit my job and start a new career as a professional clown. (April Fools!)

7. Ugh, I think I forgot to turn off the stove before I left home this morning. Can you go check for me? (April Fools!)

8. I'm pretty sure my phone is possessed. It keeps sending weird texts to people without my permission. (April Fools!)

9. I heard they're giving out free puppies at the park today! (April Fools!)

10. I just booked us all tickets to Antarctica for the summer. (April Fools!)

11. I accidentally spilled coffee on your laptop this morning. (April Fools!)

12. I just got a call from NASA. They want me to be the first person to visit Mars. (April Fools!)

13. I'm quitting my job to become a professional cat whisperer. (April Fools!)

14. It's official - I'm moving to Antarctica next month. (April Fools!)

15. I'm pretty sure I just saw a UFO outside. (April Fools!)

16. I decided to get a face tattoo. (April Fools!)

17. You won't believe what happened to me last night. I met a mermaid! (April Fools!)

18. I just found out that I'm actually a long-lost heir to a royal throne in Europe. (April Fools!)

19. I'm starting a new trend - wearing socks with sandals. (April Fools!)

20. My doctor just called and told me that I have superpowers. (April Fools!)

21. I decided to take up a new hobby - collecting belly button lint. (April Fools!)

22. I'm taking a break from technology and becoming a hermit in the woods for a while. (April Fools!)

23. I'm pretty sure my house is haunted. (April Fools!)

24. I just won a trip to the moon! (April Fools!)

25. I decided to become a professional mime. (April Fools!)

26. Did you know that aliens are going to invade Earth next week? (April Fools!)

27. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a clown therapist. (April Fools!)

28. I just got into a serious fight with a unicorn. (April Fools!)

29. I'm starting a new fashion trend - wearing clothes inside out. (April Fools!)

30. I'm pretty sure my pet hamster can talk. (April Fools!)

31. I just got a call from the White House. They want me to be their official chef. (April Fools!)

32. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of being a professional yo-yo master. (April Fools!)

33. I'm pretty sure I just saw Bigfoot outside. (April Fools!)

34. I just signed up to be a contestant on a reality TV show where I have to live in the wilderness for a year. (April Fools!)

35. You won't believe what happened to me this morning. I accidentally shrank myself to the size of a mouse. (April Fools!)

36. I'm starting a new business selling used chewing gum. (April Fools!)

37. I just saw a unicorn riding a bicycle outside. (April Fools!)

38. I'm quitting my job to become a professional ice cream taster. (April Fools!)

39. I'm pretty sure my cat is a spy. (April Fools!)

40. I just found out that I have a long-lost twin who was separated at birth. (April Fools!)

41. I'm starting a new fashion trend - wearing a bucket on your head. (April Fools!)

42. I just got a call from Hollywood. They want me to be the next big movie star. (April Fools!)

43. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional bubble wrap popper. (April Fools!)

44. I'm pretty sure I just saw a ghost outside. (April Fools!)

45. I decided to start a new hobby - collecting belly button fluff. (April Fools!)

46. I just won a lifetime supply of pizza! (April Fools!)

47. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a professional sleeper. (April Fools!)

48. I just found out that I'm actually a distant relative of the Queen of England. (April Fools!)

49. I'm pretty sure I just saw a dragon fly by outside. (April Fools!)

50. I'm starting a new trend - wearing clothes backwards. (April Fools!)

51. I just got a call from the FBI. They want me to be a spy for them. (April Fools!)

52. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional bubble gum blower. (April Fools!)

53. You won't believe what happened to me last night. I had a conversation with a talking tree. (April Fools!)

54. I'm pretty sure my house is haunted by a friendly ghost. (April Fools!)

55. I just got a call from the President. They want me to be their personal trainer. (April Fools!)

56. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a professional bed tester. (April Fools!)

57. I'm starting a new fashion trend - wearing mismatched shoes. (April Fools!)

58. I just won a trip to the bottom of the ocean! (April Fools!)

59. I'm pretty sure I just saw a leprechaun outside. (April Fools!)

60. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional couch potato. (April Fools!)

61. I just found out that I have a long-lost cousin who is a famous actor. (April Fools!)

62. I'm starting a new hobby - collecting toenail clippings. (April Fools!)

63. I'm pretty sure I just saw a flying saucer outside. (April Fools!)

64. I just got a call from the CIA. They want me to be a secret agent. (April Fools!)

65. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a professional bubble bath tester. (April Fools!)

66. I'm starting a new trend - wearing clothes that are too small for me. (April Fools!)

67. You won't believe what happened to me this morning. I woke up with superpowers. (April Fools!)

68. I'm pretty sure my neighbor is a superhero in disguise. (April Fools!)

69. I just found out that I have a long-lost brother who is a famous musician. (April Fools!)

70. I'm starting a new hobby - collecting belly button lint sculptures. (April Fools!)

71. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional nap taker. (April Fools!)

72. I just got a call from the United Nations. They want me to be their ambassador to space aliens. (April Fools!)

73. I'm pretty sure I just saw a unicorn flying through the clouds. (April Fools!)

74. I'm starting a new fashion trend - wearing clothes that are too big for me. (April Fools!)

75. You won't believe what happened to me last night. I had a dream that I was a famous rock star. (April Fools!)

76. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a professional pillow fluffer. (April Fools!)

77. I'm pretty sure my dog can talk. (April Fools!)

78. I just found out that I'm actually a distant relative of a famous historical figure. (April Fools!)

79. I'm starting a new hobby - collecting hair clippings. (April Fools!)

80. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional napper. (April Fools!)

81. I just got a call from the UNICEF. They want me to be their official toy tester. (April Fools!)

82. I'm pretty sure I just saw a mermaid swimming in the river. (April Fools!)

83. I'm starting a new trend - wearing clothes that are inside out and backwards. (April Fools!)

84. You won't believe what happened to me this morning. I woke up with a tail! (April Fools!)

85. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a professional marshmallow roaster. (April Fools!)

86. I'm pretty sure my cat is secretly running the household. (April Fools!)

87. I just found out that I'm actually a descendant of a famous pirate. (April Fools!)

88. I'm starting a new hobby - collecting nose hairs. (April Fools!)

89. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional cloud watcher. (April Fools!)

90. I just got a call from the United Nations. They want me to be their ambassador to the unicorns. (April Fools!)

91. I'm pretty sure I just saw a Bigfoot riding a skateboard. (April Fools!)

92. I'm starting a new trend - wearing clothes that are inside out, backwards, and upside down. (April Fools!)

93. You won't believe what happened to me last night. I had a dream that I was a famous astronaut. (April Fools!)

94. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a professional blanket fort builder. (April Fools!)

95. I'm pretty sure my house is haunted by a mischievous ghost. (April Fools!)

96. I just found out that I have a long-lost sister who is a famous artist. (April Fools!)

97. I'm starting a new hobby - collecting belly button lint sculptures of famous people. (April Fools!)

98. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional hammock tester. (April Fools!)

99. I just got a call from the United Nations. They want me to be their ambassador to the Loch Ness Monster. (April Fools!)

100. I'm pretty sure I just saw a group of fairies dancing in my backyard. (April Fools!)

101. I'm starting a new trend - wearing clothes made entirely out of recycled materials. (April Fools!)

102. You won't believe what happened to me this morning. My coffee mug turned into a frog! (April Fools!)

1. I just won the lottery! (April Fools!)

2. Sorry, I can't come to work/school today. I've been selected for a top-secret mission by the government. (April Fools!)

3. Hey, did you know that you have a piece of spinach stuck in your teeth? (April Fools!)

4. You won't believe it, but I'm actually secretly a superhero. (April Fools!)

5. I'm pregnant! (April Fools!)

6. I decided to quit my job and start a new career as a professional clown. (April Fools!)

7. Ugh, I think I forgot to turn off the stove before I left home this morning. Can you go check for me? (April Fools!)

8. I'm pretty sure my phone is possessed. It keeps sending weird texts to people without my permission. (April Fools!)

9. I heard they're giving out free puppies at the park today! (April Fools!)

10. I just booked us all tickets to Antarctica for the summer. (April Fools!)

11. I accidentally spilled coffee on your laptop this morning. (April Fools!)

12. I just got a call from NASA. They want me to be the first person to visit Mars. (April Fools!)

13. I'm quitting my job to become a professional cat whisperer. (April Fools!)

14. It's official - I'm moving to Antarctica next month. (April Fools!)

15. I'm pretty sure I just saw a UFO outside. (April Fools!)

16. I decided to get a face tattoo. (April Fools!)

17. You won't believe what happened to me last night. I met a mermaid! (April Fools!)

18. I just found out that I'm actually a long-lost heir to a royal throne in Europe. (April Fools!)

19. I'm starting a new trend - wearing socks with sandals. (April Fools!)

20. My doctor just called and told me that I have superpowers. (April Fools!)

21. I decided to take up a new hobby - collecting belly button lint. (April Fools!)

22. I'm taking a break from technology and becoming a hermit in the woods for a while. (April Fools!)

23. I'm pretty sure my house is haunted. (April Fools!)

24. I just won a trip to the moon! (April Fools!)

25. I decided to become a professional mime. (April Fools!)

26. Did you know that aliens are going to invade Earth next week? (April Fools!)

27. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a clown therapist. (April Fools!)

28. I just got into a serious fight with a unicorn. (April Fools!)

29. I'm starting a new fashion trend - wearing clothes inside out. (April Fools!)

30. I'm pretty sure my pet hamster can talk. (April Fools!)

31. I just got a call from the White House. They want me to be their official chef. (April Fools!)

32. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of being a professional yo-yo master. (April Fools!)

33. I'm pretty sure I just saw Bigfoot outside. (April Fools!)

34. I just signed up to be a contestant on a reality TV show where I have to live in the wilderness for a year. (April Fools!)

35. You won't believe what happened to me this morning. I accidentally shrank myself to the size of a mouse. (April Fools!)

36. I'm starting a new business selling used chewing gum. (April Fools!)

37. I just saw a unicorn riding a bicycle outside. (April Fools!)

38. I'm quitting my job to become a professional ice cream taster. (April Fools!)

39. I'm pretty sure my cat is a spy. (April Fools!)

40. I just found out that I have a long-lost twin who was separated at birth. (April Fools!)

41. I'm starting a new fashion trend - wearing a bucket on your head. (April Fools!)

42. I just got a call from Hollywood. They want me to be the next big movie star. (April Fools!)

43. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional bubble wrap popper. (April Fools!)

44. I'm pretty sure I just saw a ghost outside. (April Fools!)

45. I decided to start a new hobby - collecting belly button fluff. (April Fools!)

46. I just won a lifetime supply of pizza! (April Fools!)

47. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a professional sleeper. (April Fools!)

48. I just found out that I'm actually a distant relative of the Queen of England. (April Fools!)

49. I'm pretty sure I just saw a dragon fly by outside. (April Fools!)

50. I'm starting a new trend - wearing clothes backwards. (April Fools!)

51. I just got a call from the FBI. They want me to be a spy for them. (April Fools!)

52. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional bubble gum blower. (April Fools!)

53. You won't believe what happened to me last night. I had a conversation with a talking tree. (April Fools!)

54. I'm pretty sure my house is haunted by a friendly ghost. (April Fools!)

55. I just got a call from the President. They want me to be their personal trainer. (April Fools!)

56. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a professional bed tester. (April Fools!)

57. I'm starting a new fashion trend - wearing mismatched shoes. (April Fools!)

58. I just won a trip to the bottom of the ocean! (April Fools!)

59. I'm pretty sure I just saw a leprechaun outside. (April Fools!)

60. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional couch potato. (April Fools!)

61. I just found out that I have a long-lost cousin who is a famous actor. (April Fools!)

62. I'm starting a new hobby - collecting toenail clippings. (April Fools!)

63. I'm pretty sure I just saw a flying saucer outside. (April Fools!)

64. I just got a call from the CIA. They want me to be a secret agent. (April Fools!)

65. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a professional bubble bath tester. (April Fools!)

66. I'm starting a new trend - wearing clothes that are too small for me. (April Fools!)

67. You won't believe what happened to me this morning. I woke up with superpowers. (April Fools!)

68. I'm pretty sure my neighbor is a superhero in disguise. (April Fools!)

69. I just found out that I have a long-lost brother who is a famous musician. (April Fools!)

70. I'm starting a new hobby - collecting belly button lint sculptures. (April Fools!)

71. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional nap taker. (April Fools!)

72. I just got a call from the United Nations. They want me to be their ambassador to space aliens. (April Fools!)

73. I'm pretty sure I just saw a unicorn flying through the clouds. (April Fools!)

74. I'm starting a new fashion trend - wearing clothes that are too big for me. (April Fools!)

75. You won't believe what happened to me last night. I had a dream that I was a famous rock star. (April Fools!)

76. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a professional pillow fluffer. (April Fools!)

77. I'm pretty sure my dog can talk. (April Fools!)

78. I just found out that I'm actually a distant relative of a famous historical figure. (April Fools!)

79. I'm starting a new hobby - collecting hair clippings. (April Fools!)

80. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional napper. (April Fools!)

81. I just got a call from the UNICEF. They want me to be their official toy tester. (April Fools!)

82. I'm pretty sure I just saw a mermaid swimming in the river. (April Fools!)

83. I'm starting a new trend - wearing clothes that are inside out and backwards. (April Fools!)

84. You won't believe what happened to me this morning. I woke up with a tail! (April Fools!)

85. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a professional marshmallow roaster. (April Fools!)

86. I'm pretty sure my cat is secretly running the household. (April Fools!)

87. I just found out that I'm actually a descendant of a famous pirate. (April Fools!)

88. I'm starting a new hobby - collecting nose hairs. (April Fools!)

89. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional cloud watcher. (April Fools!)

90. I just got a call from the United Nations. They want me to be their ambassador to the unicorns. (April Fools!)

91. I'm pretty sure I just saw a Bigfoot riding a skateboard. (April Fools!)

92. I'm starting a new trend - wearing clothes that are inside out, backwards, and upside down. (April Fools!)

93. You won't believe what happened to me last night. I had a dream that I was a famous astronaut. (April Fools!)

94. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a professional blanket fort builder. (April Fools!)

95. I'm pretty sure my house is haunted by a mischievous ghost. (April Fools!)

96. I just found out that I have a long-lost sister who is a famous artist. (April Fools!)

97. I'm starting a new hobby - collecting belly button lint sculptures of famous people. (April Fools!)

98. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional hammock tester. (April Fools!)

99. I just got a call from the United Nations. They want me to be their ambassador to the Loch Ness Monster. (April Fools!)

100. I'm pretty sure I just saw a group of fairies dancing in my backyard. (April Fools!)

101. I'm starting a new trend - wearing clothes made entirely out of recycled materials. (April Fools!)

102. You won't believe what happened to me this morning. My coffee mug turned into a frog! (April Fools!)

1. I just won the lottery! (April Fools!)

2. Sorry, I can't come to work/school today. I've been selected for a top-secret mission by the government. (April Fools!)

3. Hey, did you know that you have a piece of spinach stuck in your teeth? (April Fools!)

4. You won't believe it, but I'm actually secretly a superhero. (April Fools!)

5. I'm pregnant! (April Fools!)

6. I decided to quit my job and start a new career as a professional clown. (April Fools!)

7. Ugh, I think I forgot to turn off the stove before I left home this morning. Can you go check for me? (April Fools!)

8. I'm pretty sure my phone is possessed. It keeps sending weird texts to people without my permission. (April Fools!)

9. I heard they're giving out free puppies at the park today! (April Fools!)

10. I just booked us all tickets to Antarctica for the summer. (April Fools!)

11. I accidentally spilled coffee on your laptop this morning. (April Fools!)

12. I just got a call from NASA. They want me to be the first person to visit Mars. (April Fools!)

13. I'm quitting my job to become a professional cat whisperer. (April Fools!)

14. It's official - I'm moving to Antarctica next month. (April Fools!)

15. I'm pretty sure I just saw a UFO outside. (April Fools!)

16. I decided to get a face tattoo. (April Fools!)

17. You won't believe what happened to me last night. I met a mermaid! (April Fools!)

18. I just found out that I'm actually a long-lost heir to a royal throne in Europe. (April Fools!)

19. I'm starting a new trend - wearing socks with sandals. (April Fools!)

20. My doctor just called and told me that I have superpowers. (April Fools!)

21. I decided to take up a new hobby - collecting belly button lint. (April Fools!)

22. I'm taking a break from technology and becoming a hermit in the woods for a while. (April Fools!)

23. I'm pretty sure my house is haunted. (April Fools!)

24. I just won a trip to the moon! (April Fools!)

25. I decided to become a professional mime. (April Fools!)

26. Did you know that aliens are going to invade Earth next week? (April Fools!)

27. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a clown therapist. (April Fools!)

28. I just got into a serious fight with a unicorn. (April Fools!)

29. I'm starting a new fashion trend - wearing clothes inside out. (April Fools!)

30. I'm pretty sure my pet hamster can talk. (April Fools!)

31. I just got a call from the White House. They want me to be their official chef. (April Fools!)

32. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of being a professional yo-yo master. (April Fools!)

33. I'm pretty sure I just saw Bigfoot outside. (April Fools!)

34. I just signed up to be a contestant on a reality TV show where I have to live in the wilderness for a year. (April Fools!)

35. You won't believe what happened to me this morning. I accidentally shrank myself to the size of a mouse. (April Fools!)

36. I'm starting a new business selling used chewing gum. (April Fools!)

37. I just saw a unicorn riding a bicycle outside. (April Fools!)

38. I'm quitting my job to become a professional ice cream taster. (April Fools!)

39. I'm pretty sure my cat is a spy. (April Fools!)

40. I just found out that I have a long-lost twin who was separated at birth. (April Fools!)

41. I'm starting a new fashion trend - wearing a bucket on your head. (April Fools!)

42. I just got a call from Hollywood. They want me to be the next big movie star. (April Fools!)

43. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional bubble wrap popper. (April Fools!)

44. I'm pretty sure I just saw a ghost outside. (April Fools!)

45. I decided to start a new hobby - collecting belly button fluff. (April Fools!)

46. I just won a lifetime supply of pizza! (April Fools!)

47. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a professional sleeper. (April Fools!)

48. I just found out that I'm actually a distant relative of the Queen of England. (April Fools!)

49. I'm pretty sure I just saw a dragon fly by outside. (April Fools!)

50. I'm starting a new trend - wearing clothes backwards. (April Fools!)

51. I just got a call from the FBI. They want me to be a spy for them. (April Fools!)

52. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional bubble gum blower. (April Fools!)

53. You won't believe what happened to me last night. I had a conversation with a talking tree. (April Fools!)

54. I'm pretty sure my house is haunted by a friendly ghost. (April Fools!)

55. I just got a call from the President. They want me to be their personal trainer. (April Fools!)

56. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a professional bed tester. (April Fools!)

57. I'm starting a new fashion trend - wearing mismatched shoes. (April Fools!)

58. I just won a trip to the bottom of the ocean! (April Fools!)

59. I'm pretty sure I just saw a leprechaun outside. (April Fools!)

60. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional couch potato. (April Fools!)

61. I just found out that I have a long-lost cousin who is a famous actor. (April Fools!)

62. I'm starting a new hobby - collecting toenail clippings. (April Fools!)

63. I'm pretty sure I just saw a flying saucer outside. (April Fools!)

64. I just got a call from the CIA. They want me to be a secret agent. (April Fools!)

65. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a professional bubble bath tester. (April Fools!)

66. I'm starting a new trend - wearing clothes that are too small for me. (April Fools!)

67. You won't believe what happened to me this morning. I woke up with superpowers. (April Fools!)

68. I'm pretty sure my neighbor is a superhero in disguise. (April Fools!)

69. I just found out that I have a long-lost brother who is a famous musician. (April Fools!)

70. I'm starting a new hobby - collecting belly button lint sculptures. (April Fools!)

71. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional nap taker. (April Fools!)

72. I just got a call from the United Nations. They want me to be their ambassador to space aliens. (April Fools!)

73. I'm pretty sure I just saw a unicorn flying through the clouds. (April Fools!)

74. I'm starting a new fashion trend - wearing clothes that are too big for me. (April Fools!)

75. You won't believe what happened to me last night. I had a dream that I was a famous rock star. (April Fools!)

76. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a professional pillow fluffer. (April Fools!)

77. I'm pretty sure my dog can talk. (April Fools!)

78. I just found out that I'm actually a distant relative of a famous historical figure. (April Fools!)

79. I'm starting a new hobby - collecting hair clippings. (April Fools!)

80. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional napper. (April Fools!)

81. I just got a call from the UNICEF. They want me to be their official toy tester. (April Fools!)

82. I'm pretty sure I just saw a mermaid swimming in the river. (April Fools!)

83. I'm starting a new trend - wearing clothes that are inside out and backwards. (April Fools!)

84. You won't believe what happened to me this morning. I woke up with a tail! (April Fools!)

85. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a professional marshmallow roaster. (April Fools!)

86. I'm pretty sure my cat is secretly running the household. (April Fools!)

87. I just found out that I'm actually a descendant of a famous pirate. (April Fools!)

88. I'm starting a new hobby - collecting nose hairs. (April Fools!)

89. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional cloud watcher. (April Fools!)

90. I just got a call from the United Nations. They want me to be their ambassador to the unicorns. (April Fools!)

91. I'm pretty sure I just saw a Bigfoot riding a skateboard. (April Fools!)

92. I'm starting a new trend - wearing clothes that are inside out, backwards, and upside down. (April Fools!)

93. You won't believe what happened to me last night. I had a dream that I was a famous astronaut. (April Fools!)

94. I'm quitting my job to start a new career as a professional blanket fort builder. (April Fools!)

95. I'm pretty sure my house is haunted by a mischievous ghost. (April Fools!)

96. I just found out that I have a long-lost sister who is a famous artist. (April Fools!)

97. I'm starting a new hobby - collecting belly button lint sculptures of famous people. (April Fools!)

98. I'm quitting my job to pursue my dream of becoming a professional hammock tester. (April Fools!)

99. I just got a call from the United Nations. They want me to be their ambassador to the Loch Ness Monster. (April Fools!)

100. I'm pretty sure I just saw a group of fairies dancing in my backyard. (April Fools!)

101. I'm starting a new trend - wearing clothes made entirely out of recycled materials. (April Fools!)

102. You won't believe what happened to me this morning. My coffee mug turned into a frog! (April Fools!)

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